Monday, May 12, 2008

Fore telling

Fore-telling is to tell news of the future. The fore-tellers claim to possess knowledge of the future, while infact none knows it knowledge except the Most High. Foretelling is Haram(unlawful) and he who goes to a sooth-sayer is also cursed. Both the seeker and the sought are transgressors. The Holy Prophet said that the devils catch words from the discussion of the angels and then inform them to men after missing thousand lies therewith. In this way, some sayings come out to be true and in most cases false. Secondly, the sooth-sayers used to utter such words as conveyed double meanings. The Quran says: Except one who snatches off but once, then there follows him a brightly shining flame (37:10 Q) It is not the word of a poet, not the word of a sooth-sayer. It is a revelation from the Lord of the words (69:42 Q). Or have they (knowledge of) the unseen, so that they may write down (68:47 Q)? He who comes to fortune teller and asks any question to him of the future, his prayers for 40 days will not be accepted. Some branches of learning in Astrology in Sorcery which is unlawful. In Pre-Islamic Arabia Banu Mariya-b-Kalb and Banu Murrah-b-Hamman were noted for this branch of learning. The Pre-Islamic Arabs used to consult the sooth sayers in their important businesses, and their position was high in their estimation. For this reason, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was termed by them a sooth-sayer or a poet. Urwah-b-Huzain, Toraifah, Zubrah, Fatemah Kharhamiyab and others were noted as Sooth-Sayers.

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