Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bath Room

In order, to cleanse the body from the physical impurities and dust, a Muslim should take bath. If he uses bathroom, he has some duties to perform.

1. He shall protect his private parts from sight of others and from touch of others.
2. He shall not look to private parts of others and disclose his own before others.
3. He shall not go there to take bath in lonely times.

These are obligatory duties on one who takes bath in bathrooms run by public men for the public. In one’s own bathroom where no stranger is allowed, these duties need not to be observed. For the public bathrooms, there are some eight sunnats to be observed.

1. To make niyyat or intention for purification of body;
2. To pay wages to the manager of the bathroom;
3. To step with the left leg at first to the bathroom uttering “In the name of Allah, the most merciful and Beneficent. I seek refuge to Allah from fouls and impurities of the accursed devil;
4. To wash the body with water and not to abuse it;
5. To remember the heat of fire of the hell from the heat of the bathroom;
6. not to make or return salam at the time of entering;
7. not to read the Quaran openly or hold talk;
8. not to enter it after Magrib and before night prayers or little before sun-set prayer. As for women, they should not enter with men in bath-room.


Of the three favorite things of the Holy Prophet, perfume is one. It has been specially liked by him owing to several reasons. It gives a sense of joy and offers a contenance of cheerfulness. It gives joy to others who comes in contact with the man who uses perfume. It supplies wisdom to the brain if it is constantly used. It is especially useful for a man who mixes in society, because bad odour is always adominable. The Holy prophet prohibited a man to enter a mosque or join congregational prayer when he comes there after eating uncooked garlic and onions. Perfumed oil or extract of juice or otto may be quite lawfully used, but perfume mixed with spirit is abominable. A beg of perfume should be always at hand as the Holy Prophet did. He prohibited using of Khulug odour saying that the prayer of one who uses Khulug is not accepted. The perfume of woman should be odourless but with colour, and the perfume of man should be without colour but with odour. Females should not use perfumes when they come out to join congregational prayer. There are four things of the practices of the Prophet; use of perfumes is one of them.


Dream is a quite a mystery to us. It proves that even when a man is dead, he may be punished or given enjoyment according as he acted during his life time. It is generally seen that when a particular thing captures the mind of a man at a particular time. It is seen in dream in various aspects. Similarly what a man does in life’s span will appear in his death in the form of joys or punishments. It reminds us also that the resurrection of men is a truth. Just as a man rises from joy or punishment at the time of dream in sleep, he will similarly rise for the Judgment day after punishment or joy in the grave in whatever form it is give. Man feels relief from the troubles or horrors of dream as soon as he gets up from sleep. Imagine his horror if he does not rise up from sleep as long as the world remains. Similar will be the punishment just after death until the Resurrection.

Prophecy along with the prophets was abolished. At present there is only correct dream to know the truth of the past, present and future. Correct dreams cannot but emanate from the truthful and pious men. Therefore in majority of cases, pious men’s words come out to be true.

The devil cannot present itself to pious men. He fears them as he fears the throning of a gun or arrow from heaven. When a man sees his holy prophet in dream, it is correct, because the devil cannot take his form. If dream is favorable, it should be disclosed to nobody except to dear ones, and if unfavorable things are dreamt, the dreamer shall turn to his other side thrice and seek refuge to Allah. Correct dream is seen mostly in the latter part of the night. There are 3 kinds of dreams.

¤ Dictation of Soul
¤ Dictation from Allah and the Angels &
¤ Dictation from Devil

Fore Telling

Fore-telling is to tell news of the future. The fore-tellers claim to possess knowledge of the future, while infact none knows it knowledge except the Most High. Foretelling is Haram(unlawful) and he who goes to a sooth-sayer is also cursed. Both the seeker and the sought are transgressors. The Holy Prophet said that the devils catch words from the discussion of the angels and then inform them to men after missing thousand lies therewith. In this way, some sayings come out to be true and in most cases false. Secondly, the sooth-sayers used to utter such words as conveyed double meanings. The Quran says: Except one who snatches off but once, then there follows him a brightly shining flame (37:10 Q) It is not the word of a poet, not the word of a sooth-sayer. It is a revelation from the Lord of the words (69:42 Q). Or have they (knowledge of) the unseen, so that they may write down (68:47 Q)? He who comes to fortune teller and asks any question to him of the future, his prayers for 40 days will not be accepted. Some branches of learning in Astrology in Sorcery which is unlawful. In Pre-Islamic Arabia Banu Mariya-b-Kalb and Banu Murrah-b-Hamman were noted for this branch of learning. The Pre-Islamic Arabs used to consult the sooth sayers in their important businesses, and their position was high in their estimation. For this reason, the Holy Prophet was termed by them a sooth-sayer or a poet. Urwah-b-Huzain, Toraifah, Zubrah, Fatemah Kharhamiyab and others were noted as Sooth-Sayers.


a) Object of Food. The great object of food is to unkeep the body. Therefore all that is necessary for such a purpose is to supply sufficient food and drink to the body that it may go on properly. As water is necessary for crops and vegetables, food is also necessary for human life. As excessive of water injures the crops and vegetables, excessive of food also injure the body. Therefore the golden mean is the best. In other words, food and drink in a moderate quantity is highly beneficial for unkeep the body.

b) Quantity of Food. There can’t be any hard and fast rule with regard to the moderate quantity of food which a man should take because it differs with different individuals according to long continued habits and practices. What is considered sufficient to an idle rich man may be quite insufficient for a poor day-labourer, and what is considered as a moderate quantity for a strong healthy man may be an excessive quantity for a diseased man. The Holy Prophet therefore recommended for a normal man the following quantity of food. One portion of his belly may be filled with solid food and one portion with drink, and he remaining portion must be left empty (29:22). This is strictly in conformity with the medical jurisprudence which advises that a man should get up from his meal with a little hunger, because that helps digestion. The prescribed quantity must not be exceeded. For a self denying and pious man the Holy Prophet recommended a quantity of food which is just sufficient to keep his back bone erect (29:22), because a hungry belly is the fountain of wisdom and sharp intellect. Moderate quantity of food depends on practice. The greater are the self denying practices regarding food and drink, the lesser quantity required because how soever, we increase our food, sleep and fear, they go on increasing. There are many advantages of man remaining a little hungry*. In short by this method, intellect is sharpened, passions are brought under control, body is made fit for constant work, sleep is lessened time is saved, health is maintained and sincere divine service can flow from mind. The Quran gives sanction to moderate food by saying; Eat and drink and be not immoderate2:31 Q

Kind of Food. There are various kinds of foods, some of which have been declared unlawful and some lawful**. The Chief of the foods is said by the Holy Prophet to be the meat, because it grows flesh in the body. In cold countries It is Specially suitable as it increases the heat of body. The Quran says by way of recommendation of meat: Flesh of birds of which they desire52:22 Q. Moses asked the Israelites when they asked him for food other than meat: Will you exchange which is better for that which is worse2:61 Q? Bread, fruits and dates are the staple foods of the Arabs. These things with green vegetables, gourds and dates have been recommended. The Quran says: Then eat of all fruits16:69 Q. And of the fruits of the palms and the grapes – you obtain from them intoxication and goodly provision16:67 Q. Fish can be eaten but it is not as useful as meat as it melts the body. Onion and garlic have not been recommended for eating, but little quantity when cooked may lawfully be taken - 11:54. Salt and vinegar are the best condiments and they are cures of poison – 11:42. Mild serves the purpose of both food and drink and hence it is highly efficacious. The Holy Quran says: Pure milk, easy and agreeable to swallow for those who drink15:66 Q. The drink of honey has been recommended as a sort of tonic. The Quran says: In it there is healing for men16:69 Q. Sweets and sweet preparations may be taken with profit – 11:38.


a) Drink essential. Drink is essentially necessary for everything in the world as without it nothing can live. Plants die without watery nourishment. Man is also not free from that law. The Quran says: And Allah created every living thing from water (25:4)

b) Manner of Drink. Drinking should always be made in sitting posture and not in standing or lying condition. The Holy Prophet prohibited it (11:78). Before drinking, the name of Allah should be taken by uttering – “In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Beneficent, “and after drink the Almighty Allah should be praised by saying “All Praise if for Allah, the lord of the worlds” (11:89). “At the time of actual drink, no breath should be thrown into the cup or vessel (7:44, 11:88) and generally water should be taken in three breaths (11:75) Drink during actual eating should be avoided as far as possible, but it should be finishing touch to meal.

c) Kinds of Drink. There are various kinds of drink in the world, some are lawful and some unlawful. Of the lawful drinks, the Holy Prophet loved sweet cool drink very much (11:93). The drink of milk and honey were also greatly in favour with him. The usefulness of milk both as drink and food has been guaranteed by the Quran. “And We give you to drink of what is in their bellies from between the faces and blood – pure milk very agreeable for those who drink” (16:66).

d) Drinking of Juices of Fruits and Leaves. With regret to punishment and sin of unlawful drinks such as wine and other intoxicating liquors, they have been dealt with in notes 1218 and 1219*. Anything intoxicants and games of chance Say: In both of them, there is a great sin and mean of profit for men, and their sin is greater then their profit (2:219). This word is sufficient enough to abolish the age long custom of Arabs in drinking intoxicants. It is said that when wine was prohibited, the streets of Medina were flooded with wines and bottles. There are four prohibited intoxicants. (1) Khamar i.e., crude juice of the grapes which being fermented becomes intoxicating. Khamar is produced from two trees, namely vine and date. It is unlawful in its small and great quantities. It is also unlawful to derive any use from khamar (wine) either as a medicine or in any manner, because the use of filth is forbidden. (2) The second prohibited liquor is the boiled juice of grapes called Bazik and Monissaf. The juice of grapes when boiled until a quantity less than two thirds evaporate is called Bazik and when it is evaporated to the extent of one half, it is called Monissaf. (3) The third kind of prohibited liquor is Sikkar and is made by steeping fresh dates in water until they take effect in sweetening it. (4) The fourth kind is Nookoo Zaheeb which is water in which raisins are steeped until it becomes sweet. This is prohibited when it becomes spirituous.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Reciting Salawath on our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is an activity that will be accepted by Allah, even if we don't have Ikhlas (piety)".


The Character of Prophet (sal) is nothing but Holy Quran.

- Hazrath Ayisha (rali) Madeena Shareef, Arabia

There is no iota of doubt that the Holy Quran is a Divine Book. I have read the Holy Quran several times. I am really glad to find that the Holy Quran teaches truthfulness and nonviolence. My advice to the cabinet is that free India needs administrators like the Caliphs (Presidents) Aboobucker (Rali) and Umar (Rali). Prophet Muhammad (Sal) is a great Prophet of God. His lofty character was solely responsible for the spread of Islam and not the Sword.

- Father of the nation – Gandhi

Islam is the nascent force which was infused by a new Prophet Muhammad (sal) that awakened the Arab land and bestowed it with self-confidence and strength. I have come to Land (Arabia) which taught brotherhood to the entire world.

- Light of Asia – Nehru

I have learnt piety from the Prophet Muhammad (sal) who was born in the Arabland. (Courtesy “Swarjya” 08.10.1972)

- First Governor General of Free India – Rajaji

The day, on which Prophet Muhammad (sal) was born, is the day of good intention and golden day of good deeds ad the great day of happiness.

- Indira Gandhi

Allah is complete. Muhammad is his messenger. Pray to Allah who is unseen.

Hum Hum Allah Rasool Muhammad Kabarasya
Allah Allah Illallaladhi Illallah.

- Adharvana Vedha (1:10)

A famous person will emerge from the human race. Camels will be his Vehicles of transport.

(English Translation of the Sanskrit Text)

I respect Prophet Muhammad (sal) as he has united the society that was divided in the past. “Quran is a holy book not only for Muslims but also for the people of all religions of India”.
Courtesy to Dinamani 23.03.2001.

- Prime Minister Vajpayee

Prophet Muhammad (sal) established an exemplary society by bringing out those people who were immersed in blind belief; he designed a decent political system for the establishment of such a society. The Prophet Muhammad (sal) changed the dark period of ignorance into enlightened period of wisdom. About Prophet Muhammad’s (sal) personality what has impressed me most are his sweet words, smiling face and the personal weapon of his patience by which he achieved success which could not have been won by sword. If all the religions of world are likened to the Jack fruit, Islam would be the inner fruit thereof. In the Jack fruit the skin and rind are to be removed but not in the inner fruit thereof which can be taken straight away. Islam is rational religion. It is also a beautiful religion. Islam is a religion of love. The saying of Prophet (sal) are like sparkling diamonds. Islam is true for all times and for all nations.

- Aringar Anna

The Holy Quran is a book of justice. The holy name of Prophet Muhammad who taught the mankind brotherhood, realization of independence and equality will prevail all over the word as long as it exists.

- Nightingale of India – Sarojini Naidu

But for the advent of Prophet Muhammad (sal) the ever shining lantern of belief in oneness of God would have extinguished for ever.

- Raja Ram Mohan Rai

The Prophet Muhammad (sal) is victorious. He had unparalleled courage and was a wisdonful preacher, a great devotee and an intelligent administrator. He was victorious everywhere and victorious in every thing. His mother tongue was also triumphant everywhere. It is very clear that Prophet Muhammad (sal) is an uncomparable saint and the greatest pious man. Allah bestowed him before he prayed Him. (An extract from his speech of Meelad Nabi celebration in Pottal puthur, Nellai District 20.06.1920, “Bharathiyar’s essays). Thanks to Librarian, Bharathi Memorial Illam, Triplicane.

- Maha Kavi Bharathiar

The most victorious among all the Prophets is Prophet Muhammad (sal). The Holy Quran is memorized by people more than the rest of the religious books.

- Encyclopedia Britannica

The 100 My Choice of Muhammad (sal) to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others; but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both religious and secular levels. Unlike Jesus Christ, Muhammad (sal) was the leader of the religion and the world. The Prophet Muhammad (sal), by his personal influence totally changed the past, present and future history of the world. For the reason only I accorded him “First Rank” in my book “The 100”. For over ten years the matter was under my thoughtful consideration before coming to this final conclusion.

- International Writer, Lawyer, Historian, Mathematician, Astronomer, Computer Engineer, a Jew, Michael H. Hart, Anandale, America (1978)

I have studied at Oxford University in England. But, I learned real education only after studying the Holy Quaran. (He sacrificed his life for the freedom of India in England)

- Moulana Muhammad Ali Jowhar – Congress Leader

Thinking that conversion of Hindus to Muslim in India took place only by sword and fire power would be height of madness. Muhammad Nabi (sal) is the pillar of brotherhood.
Courtesy to the Book “Youths must come up for the service of mother India” Page No.160

- Vivekananda

We need to pay our attention towards the preachings and guidelines of the Prophet Muhammad (sal) which befit all the times.

- Chandrika – The President of SriLanka

He was a professor of philosophy in Mysore University, Karnataka, South India. He has brought out a classical work on the life history of Prophet Muhammad (sal) entitled “Muhammad (sal)”. He says that Muhammad (sal) refined the nature of Arabs likes spotless and purified gold and made their head kept aloft, evaluated them to zenith through civilization and education.

- Professor K.S. Ramakrishna Rao, Mysore University

There is no history as the history of Islam. There is no man who changed the fate of the world, as the Prophet Muhammad (sal)

- E.E. Kellet

We can say that no religious book has ever come in the world since that last 12 centuries as chaste and errorless as the Holy Quran.

- A famous historian Sir William Moore

The vast and everlasting service of the Prophet Muhammad (sal) with minimum provision he had, makes us admit that no person’s name shines as much as the name of the Prophet Muhammad (sal).

- J.W.H. Stopert

No man or demon can make a verse equal to the verses of Holy Quran. This phenomenon is sufficient to prove that Quran is from God, Himself. Quran is indeed, a wonder.

- Washington Irving – U.S.A

God has sent Muhammad (sal) to invite the people towards worshipping him. It was only fools and undeserved people who denied his advice. I visited twice Saudi Arabia due to my love for him.

The wealthy men among us who have not so far cared to perform Haj may perhaps get a lesson from him)

- Gurunanak the Sikh Leader

Prophet Muhammad (sal) came to unite the people of East and the West.

- World famous Poet – Tennyson, England

The Prophet Mohammad (sal) established well structured political system, rationality and chaste characters in a land, where these things were not to be seen – in such a way that fetched him wonderful praising.

- Rev. Steephens

There is no equality or comparison in the world to the life of Prophet Muhammad (sal). The reason to praise him is that his words and deeds have found a place in history. His exemplary life guides people like an ever burning light and a light house. He has paved ways to people by occupying different positions in his life a friend, a servant, father, chaplain, religious leader, lawyer, entrepreneur, ruler, adviser, protector and husband. (Jamal Muhammad Sahib the founder of Jamal Muhammad College, Trichy) met Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall and enquired about the final cause which prompted him to embrace Islam. He replied with tears in his eyes that in his dream he had a vision of Prophet Muhammad (sal) asking him to embrace Islam; Soon he woke up from sleep and declared that had embraces Islam. Jamal Muhammad Sahib was willing to give him Rs.50,000 for the translation of the Holy Quran in English, but he refused to get it (
It shows that he had no desire of money). His father was Christian Father in England. (Islamic Encyclopedia by M.R.M. Abdur Raheem III Volume, Page 542)

- Muhammad, Marmaduke Pickthal (The English man who embraced Islam and also translated Holy Quran into English)