Friday, May 09, 2008


a) Object of Food. The great object of food is to unkeep the body. Therefore all that is necessary for such a purpose is to supply sufficient food and drink to the body that it may go on properly. As water is necessary for crops and vegetables, food is also necessary for human life. As excessive of water injures the crops and vegetables, excessive of food also injure the body. Therefore the golden mean is the best. In other words, food and drink in a moderate quantity is highly beneficial for unkeep the body.

b) Quantity of Food. There can’t be any hard and fast rule with regard to the moderate quantity of food which a man should take because it differs with different individuals according to long continued habits and practices. What is considered sufficient to an idle rich man may be quite insufficient for a poor day-labourer, and what is considered as a moderate quantity for a strong healthy man may be an excessive quantity for a diseased man. The Holy Prophet therefore recommended for a normal man the following quantity of food. One portion of his belly may be filled with solid food and one portion with drink, and he remaining portion must be left empty (29:22). This is strictly in conformity with the medical jurisprudence which advises that a man should get up from his meal with a little hunger, because that helps digestion. The prescribed quantity must not be exceeded. For a self denying and pious man the Holy Prophet recommended a quantity of food which is just sufficient to keep his back bone erect (29:22), because a hungry belly is the fountain of wisdom and sharp intellect. Moderate quantity of food depends on practice. The greater are the self denying practices regarding food and drink, the lesser quantity required because how soever, we increase our food, sleep and fear, they go on increasing. There are many advantages of man remaining a little hungry*. In short by this method, intellect is sharpened, passions are brought under control, body is made fit for constant work, sleep is lessened time is saved, health is maintained and sincere divine service can flow from mind. The Quran gives sanction to moderate food by saying; Eat and drink and be not immoderate2:31 Q

c) Kind of Food. There are various kinds of foods, some of which have been declared unlawful and some lawful**. The Chief of the foods is said by the Holy Prophet to be the meat, because it grows flesh in the body. In cold countries It is Specially suitable as it increases the heat of body. The Quran says by way of recommendation of meat: Flesh of birds of which they desire52:22 Q. Moses asked the Israelites when they asked him for food other than meat: Will you exchange which is better for that which is worse 2:61 Q? Bread, fruits and dates are the staple foods of the Arabs. These things with green vegetables, gourds and dates have been recommended. The Quran says: Then eat of all fruits16:69 Q. And of the fruits of the palms and the grapes – you obtain from them intoxication and goodly provision 16:67 Q. Fish can be eaten but it is not as useful as meat as it melts the body. Onion and garlic have not been recommended for eating, but little quantity when cooked may lawfully be taken - 11:54. Salt and vinegar are the best condiments and they are cures of poison – 11:42. Mild serves the purpose of both food and drink and hence it is highly efficacious. The Holy Quran says: Pure milk, easy and agreeable to swallow for those who drink 15:66 Q. The drink of honey has been recommended as a sort of tonic. The Quran says: In it there is healing for men16:69 Q. Sweets and sweet preparations may be taken with profit – 11:38.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Masha Allah a nice post on food tht is lawful to eat nd tht whih is not.....
nd thanks a lot for throwing light on eating in MODERATION which many of us dont follow ....including me ..hehe
Keep up the good work

Jazak Allah