Rich legacies need worthy inheritors, they don’t come easy or fast, they can be the most unexpected and most under appreciated candidates for the privilege and yet they inherit the legacy with pride and distinction. There is a portion out of the English animation film Ratatouille that seems appropriate here. The voice over in this portion said ‘In many ways, the work of a critic is easy’. We risk so very little and yet enjoy a position over those who offer their work and self up to our judgment. We revel in negative criticism which is both fun to write and read but the truth that we must admit is that in the grand scheme of things the most average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.’
But there are times when the critic in us gets a chance to defend something new, something that deserves its place at the top. Talent is nothing without opportunity and the world often tends to be unkind and dismissive to talent that does not get the right opportunity. Not every opportunity is the right one but the right one can come any time and when the time comes the talent blooms. For years now this man has been the Aegan in Kollywood, battling on, fighting and faltering but never giving up. For a leading hero his success-failure ratio is not very bright, something even he will agree being an honest and straightforward man. Yet for the thousands of Thala fans who throng theaters every time his film releases he has been and remains the Ultimate Star Ajith Kumar. His career has been much like a rose plant, there have been the roses of success but there are also thorns of failure that have hurt. Looking at it objectively, he has had more ups and downs in his career than the average Kollywood flick in which he appears and in spite of all that he is here in 2008, more than 15 years after his debut, vindicating the unflinching support of his adoring fans, his well wishers. Billa completed 100 days in theaters by this week.
What does this unique 100 mean to Ajith? First, it is a rasping answer to all those who have doubted his abilities. When Billa was announced there were a lot of aspersions cast. Can Ajith carry off a role that was immortalized by the Superstar, can he bring the same magic on screen or will this one be a lame and pale reflection on one of Rajini’s landmark movies? These were tough questions to answer and to carry on with one’s work in the face of such imposing expectations was tougher. But driven by conviction, determination and faith in the director Ajith soldiered on. The confidence that stemmed out of his widely appreciated performance in Kreedom must also have helped. The product was not a simple recreation of what we saw and loved in 1981, Billa 2007 was a stylish, slick and sleek adaptation of Tamil cinema’s Don. Style was redefined and a new genre of Tamil cinema emerged, one driven by style and presentation, we are sure to see more movies bordering on this genre soon. The hard work put in and the faith sown in the director shine through in every frame of Billa.
To not give adequate credit to the entire team that realized the Billa dream would be gross injustice and so here is the roll of honor. First, to Vishnuvardhan for his great vision and gumption to attempt something as risky as Billa, no film in the recent past has margins of error with potentially disastrous consequences as Bill had. Also, a very special mention on behalf of all Thala fans for bringing to us the resurgent Ultimate Star, free from the shackles of troublesome failures. The technical team was of paramount importance in actualizing the stylish vision that Vishnuvardhan had for Billa. Be it the fights, the chases or the lighting, everything had class and finesse, elements that separate the hits from the blockbusters.
2007 has been a great year for fans of the Ultimate Star. Their faith in their beloved Thala has come good. Of course, the year started off in the same familiarly disturbing pattern of failure with Aalwar. But Kreedom turned the tide. Not a money raker, but a movie that reminded us of the talents that Ajith possesses as an actor. Then, along came Billa and the rest as they say, is history. Today, on the 100th day of Billa’s theatrical run (reign) when we look back down the line we can see how close Thala was, to being a spring that may never have blossomed. There were times when weaker men would have lost hope but he stood firm. Ajith is back and he is on track.
Maybe, becoming a father brings with it the charms of success. May this charm continue to work. We need the Aegan of Kollywood to give us more Billas.

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